日本の伝統的建造物にみられる様な朱色のスパイダーマム。咲き進むごとに違う表情を見せるこのマムは「令和」の幕開けにふさわしい逸品です。その色合いと花姿は、日本の伝統的な赤の美しさを体現しつつ、南国に咲く深紅の花のような生命力も感じさせます。クラシカルにも見え、また情熱的、且つ革新的にも見えるこの花は、まるで海外から注目を集め続ける日本文化そのものを象徴しているかのような魅力的な花です。 ご注文、詳細はこちら↓ spider mum has the kind of vermilion coloring that can be seen in traditional Japanese buildings. It shows a variety of expressions as it blooms and is a gem that is quite suitable for the beginning of the “Reiwa” period. This type of color and flower shape both embody the traditional reds of Japan as well as the sense of vitality present in crimson flowers of countries in tropical regions. Overall it is an attractive flower that is classical, passionate, and innovative whilst simultaneously symbolizing the Japanese culture which in of itself continues to garnish attention from overseas.